Hello Fellow Travelers
I am very happy that you have found your way here. WELCOME!
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Whatever the process was that caused the formation of a Soul out of the great ocean of Consciousness, and then the Soul’s journey into the 3rd dimension of form where we slowly but surely shut down, closed off and covered over our connections to that great ocean of Consciousness - however that took place. Here We Are.
When we are born, for a short while, we still have an awareness of the worlds beyond form. We are aware of other dimensions, we can see light beings, and also experience those that have died. Usually about the time we can speak, the ability to see that which is beyond the physical fades away as our society, culture and birth family generally discourage any such thing. We settle into the accepted norm of “ what’s real is what you can see right in front of you.” The mystical and the magical essence of our being is overshadowed by the linear and logical ideas of the laws of physical science.
It is no wonder to me that so many of us are struggling and feel so lost. We are a holographic, multidimensional being that is operating under the false pretense that we are only physical beings. Without feeling and knowing our connection to that great ocean of consciousness and to each other, without the direct experience of the interconnectedness of all things, it is not a wonder that we are confused, depressed, lonely, sick and tired.
This to me is the root cause of all of our human suffering and conflicts. This disconnection from our whole self, from all that is, causes great fear and anxiety.
Our seeming differences of appearance, our different ways we choose to express ourselves, and the different paths we walk in our pursuit of happiness would not be cause for fear and defensiveness if we could remember and realize our ultimate interconnectedness.
We are connected to each other through the energetic web that we exist within. While it is true that we are all unique individual expressions of the pure light of conscious awareness, at our core there is no separation. We are One.
Our misconception that we are totally separate and on our own, - that it’s “every man for himself (herself)” is coming to an end. There is a great revolution of evolution taking place on planet Earth and in all of creation.
As a human being there is something in our psyche, in our beingness, that eventually makes us ask the question, “who am I and why am I here?” It is intrinsic and it is a clue. It is by pulling on this thread that starts the spiritual quest - the hero’s journey if you will. You begin to go beyond the confines of your limited belief systems and habitual patterns of thought into the realm of the mystical. This world of spirit and light has been there from the beginning of our individuation process. It is time to open ourselves and allow an integration of the physical and nonphysical parts of our self. It is time to understand the holographic nature of our reality. It is time to wake up and remember.
All beings are evolving whether they are conscious of it or not. Many are aware that their intuitive senses and abilities have expanded quite a bit in these last several years of evolution. Many are noticing that their established strategies for managing their world are no longer effective. Others are experiencing physical discomfort and odd symptoms and sensations in their body as increased levels of consciousness, light and energy engulf our planet.
How we experience this massive shift depends on where we are on our own evolutionary timeline. For some the inflow of increased light will be easy and graceful as they naturally step into their multidimensional self. For others it will be quite disruptive, disorienting and confusing as they attempt to find a new center of balance. For others still, it will be time to exit the 3rd dimension as it is simply not in their contract to participate at this time.
The upleveling of awareness is causing deep seated belief systems and patterns of behavior to be revealed and we are being asked to examine, transmute and transcend these old entrenched ways of responding to life. These patterns can be multilayered and have several different origins. Some we bring with us from past lifetimes. Some are absorbed at birth from our family of origin and our ancestral history. Our energetic system gets flooded as young children with the collective patterns of the culture and society we are born into.
It is thick and it is deep. We are being asked by consciousness itself to shine the light of awareness on, to en-lighten our own dysfunctional habits. So many of these habits of being helped us survive in the past but are no longer appropriate or required for our survival in the present. It’s like having old software on your computer that is obsolete - it needs to be removed and replaced with software that works with the new operating system. The light of consciousness has upgraded our entire operating system - our energy system. We must each do a deep dive into our own psyche and upgrade our software - ie: our belief systems and unhelpful patterns.
Jung calls this ‘shadow work’; excavating and unearthing the universal archetypal patterns that are largely responsible for our habitual behaviors. It takes time and it takes courage. Doing this work, investing in yourself in this way allows you access to the world outside ‘the box’. It allows you to start reconnecting to the more expanded nonphysical aspects of yourself. Many of these patterns that we adopted and then allowed to become part of our identity, keep us locked in a limited perspective. They kept us safe at one point, but now act to limit our capacity to venture out, take risks, and explore our potentials. The up-leveling and increase of consciousness available to us all right now is an invitation to increase our self-awareness. Clearing the baggage and the ballast from our own psyche opens our capacity to remember our wholeness; our holographic and multidimensional nature.
Exploring the unconscious part of our human psyche is a very rich, healing and necessary first step if we wish to free ourselves from that which obscures our ability to perceive the magnificence of our whole self. It is essential to reconnect to those parts of ourself that understand and live in the oneness. We need to step into our spiritual maturity and realize that we are to learn to live in the duality of the 3rd dimension at the same time as including the reality of the interconnectedness of all things. Both realities exist simultaneously and both must be on-line for us to feel whole.
Being in human form can be intense, daunting, and downright brutal at times. Establishing a connection with your nonphysical counterpart as well as your team of guides and other beings of light, will help you navigate 3D life. You will be certain that you are never alone. Having access to this expanded perspective is invaluable as we move through our current lifetime of experiences in the world of form.
While it is necessary for each of us to wake up and take responsibility for how we are showing up in the world, it is essential that we begin to feel into and sense the rest of our energy field that exists outside of time and space. By breathing ourselves into present time and listening within, it is possible to tap into the level of existence where we can experience the connective nature of All That Is. Having this direct experience, though fleeting, changes our understanding and experience of life. It is the very thing that enables our ability to transmute and transcend the entrenched, habitual patterns in our human psyche.
Here’s to us all returning to heart-centered unity consciousness where we once again collaborate and cooperate with each other to bring about a world in which everyone of us knows that we belong and we are truly home.
May all beings be healed
May all beings be free
May all souls awaken
Wishing you Love